Keep Fit - Use it or lose it! The importance of exercise in laterlife

We asked Geoff Pride, Cinnamon’s Engagement and Activities Manager, about the importance of being active in later life and he sent us this fascinating information.

Dr Peter Attia, a Canadian-American author, physician and researcher known for his work in longevity medicine explains in his recent book called Outlive, The Science and Art of Longevity the importance of starting or maintaining an exercise program, incorporating three essential elements:

  • Strength Training
  • Cardiovascular Training
  • Flexibility & Stability

The general theme of the book is that although most people have an awareness of the benefits of exercise – not many realise how profound it’s effects really are.  Study after study has found that regular exercisers can live as much as a decade longer than sedentary people. And the good news is that the benefits begin with any amount of exercise north of zero and go up from there!

A recent study from Sterling University confirmed the following benefits of regular exercise later in life :

  • Improved enjoyment of life and self-confidence
  • Increased self-esteem and positive feelings about oneself
  • Increased independence, control, and choice
  • Improved memory and dexterity
  • Improved mobility, strength, coordination, and circulation
  • Reduced dependency on others, increased levels of resilience and the ability to cope
  • Reduced depression and effects of dementia
  • Reduced pain and recovery time
  • Improved levels of motivation to participate in day-to-day activities
  • Reduced falls, improvements in sleep patterns, immunity and appetite
  • Enriched relationships

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