Cinnamon Luxury Care Lived Experiences; the Cinnamon Difference
One of the most valuable ways we obtain people’s views is by conducting lived experience visits to our homes where the visit aims to understand the experience of residents, their loved ones and dedicated team members working there. The lived experience visit is conducted by a Cinnamon Care & Quality team member, along with at least one external Consultant from a team of bank consultants.
Our external consultants are carefully chosen for their expertise in adult social care, and include qualified clinicians, former government regulatory inspectors, and dementia specialists. Their involvement ensures an unbiased and professional perspective, adding an extra layer of external verification to our findings.
During the visit evidence is gathered by talking to residents, their loved ones, any visiting professionals and team members.
The aim is to understand and listen to their views about the quality of care and support provided, if they feel safe, if they are supported to live the lives they wish, supported to maintain good health, and if they feel listened to by team members including management and respected as unique individual’s.
In addition, time is spent observing team members practices and service delivery, the way residents are spoken with, treated and care for, as this is important to us at Cinnamon.
If people are living with dementia, we also complete a specific dementia-focused observation using nationally recognised tools.
If you would like to know more about our recent lived experience visits or hear feedback on the care provided in our homes, please don’t hesitate to speak to the General Manager at your local Cinnamon home.